Entries in blue reflect projects involving students in the CNSL lab.
2023 Wiley, R. W., Key, K., & Purcell, J. Pseudoword Spelling: Insights into Sublexical Representations and Lexical Interactions. Cognitive Neuropsychology, in press.
2023 Wiley, R. W., Key, K., Baig, Y. & Purcell, J. Toolkits for Indexing English Spelling-Sound Consistency. Revise & resubmit.
2023 Purcell, J. J., Wiley, R.W., Won, J., Callow, D., Weiss, L., Alfini, A., Wei, Y., & Smith, J. C. Increased Neural Differentiation after a Single Session of Aerobic Exercise in Older Adults. Neurobiology of Aging, in press. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0197458023002075
2023 Neophytou, K., Wiley, R. W., Litovsky, C., Tsapkini, K., & Rapp, B. The Right Hemisphere’s Capacity for Language: Evidence from Primary Progressive Aphasia. Cerebral Cortex, in press. http://doi.org/10.1093/cercor/bhad258
2023 Wahlheim, C., Smith, S., Garlitch, S., & Wiley, R.W. Interpolated Retrieval Retroactively Increases Recall and Promotes Cross-Episode Memory Interdependence. Learning & Memory, 30(8). https://learnmem.cshlp.org/content/30/8/151
2022 Washington, P.N., & Wiley, R. W. The Contributions of Proficiency and Semantics to the Bilingual Sentence Superiority Effect. Bilingualism: Language & Cognition, 26(3). https://doi.org/10.1017/S1366728922000748
2022 Martin, N., Obermeyer, J., Schlesinger, J., & Wiley, R. W. Treatment of the linguistic and temporal components of lexical activation to improve word retrieval in aphasia. Frontiers in Rehabilitation Science, 3. doi.org/10.3389/fresc.2022.824684
2022 Cassidy, B., Wiley, R.W., Sim, M., & Hugenberg, K. Inversion reduces sensitivity to complex emotions in eye regions. Social Cognition, 40(3). doi.org/10.1521/soco.2022.40.3.302
2022 Cassidy, B., Wiley, R.W., Sim, M., & Hugenberg, K. Decoding complex emotions and humanization show related face processing effects. Emotion, 22(2). doi.org/10.1037/emo0000990
2021 Wiley, R.W. & Rapp, B. The Effects of handwriting experience on literacy learning. Psychological Science, 32(7). doi.org/10.1177/0956797621993111
2021 Cassidy, B., Wiley, R.W., Sim, M., & Hugenberg, K. Spatial frequency and valence interact in complex emotion perception. Cognition & Emotion, 35(8). doi.org/10.1080/02699931.2021.1979474
2020 Shea, J., Wiley, R.W., Moss, N., & Rapp, B. Pseudoword spelling ability predicts response to word spelling treatment in acquired dysgraphia. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation. doi.org/10.1080/09602011.2020.1813596
2019 Purcell, J. J., Wiley, R. W. & Rapp, B. Re-learning to be different: Increased neural differentiation supports post-stroke language recovery. NeuroImage, 202. doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroimage.2019.116145
2019 Neophytou, K., Wiley, R. W., Rapp, B., & Tsapkini, K. The use of spelling for variant classification in Primary Progressive Aphasia: Theoretical and practical implications. Neuropsychologia, 133. doi.org/10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2019.107157
2019 Rapp, B. & Wiley, R. W. Re-learning and retention in the lesioned brain. Neuropsychologia, 132. doi.org/10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2019.107126
2019 Wiley, R. W. & Rapp, B. From complexity to distinctiveness: The Effect of expertise on letter perception.Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 26(3), 974-984. doi.org/10.3758/s13423-018-1550-6
2019 Wiley, R. W. & Rapp, B. Statistical analysis in Small-N Designs: using linear mixed-effects modeling for evaluating intervention effectiveness. Aphasiology, 33(1), 1-30. doi.org/10.1080/02687038.2018.1454884
2017 Wiley, R.W. & Rapp, B. The Effects of expertise and biscriptalism on letter perception: The complexity benefit. In G. Gunzelmann, A. Howes, T. Tenbrink, & E. J. Davelaar (Eds.), Proceedings of the 39th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (pp). Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society.
2016 Wiley, R. W., Wilson, C., & Rapp, B. The Effects of Alphabet and Expertise on Letter Perception. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 42(8), 1186-1203. doi.org/10.1037/xhp0000213